The Youth Team strives to provide quality programs and activities to carry out our Lord’s command.  


The youth assist other team activities by helping with the Presbyterian Women’s Christmas Bazaar, the Deacon’s Thanksgiving Basket Assembly/Distribution, and other activities such as helping set up for other special events.


Youth group members work throughout the year to raise funds to attend the annual youth conference in Montreat, North Carolina, every June.  This conference is looked forward to by our youth all year long and attendance at this conference has proven to be truly “transformational” for many of our youth for decades.  While the church provides financial assistance for the youth to attend, each youth member is responsible for active participation in youth group meetings and activities throughout the year in order to be eligible to attend. 


The Youth team encourages our younger children to attend summer camp at Geneva Center and chruch funds are available to  provide financial assistance when needed. 


Youth who attend either conference are encouraged to share with the congregation about their experiences during a worship service.  Their testimonies are often very moving.


The Youth of our church are able to participate the following actiities:  youth groups, camp and conference opportunities (Montreat for senior high and Geneva Center for children and youth) with church financial support, Operation Backpack, working at a fundraising tent at the White County 4-H Fair, youth Sundays, various fundraisers (e.g. Pizza Hut Tip Night, Western BBQ dinner, and participation in worship and helping other teams with many activiites (such as Thanksgiving baskets and the Presbyterian Women Bazaar and rummage sales). 

At this time we have few children/youth who attend on a regular basis so activities are planned on an as needed basis

To find out more about youth opportunities or to get involved with this team, please call the church office at 574-583-5787.