Missions / Congregational Life Team (MCL)


Where hearts long for a world where love and peace abound, we help fulfill that longing. “Come to me all who are weary and overburdened.”

We Are All Missionaries

Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet.   Though most of us will never venture to the far ends of the earth to fulfill that call, we can support many programs that touch and improve the lives of others. We invite any new or current members to join our team.


Living God’s vision, we will bond together through compassion and love with God’s will and become a community of action through faith. Living God’s vision, we will use our God Given gifts to make us an instrument to draw everyone to our all-loving God.  Being God’s Church, we are a faith community extending love, compassion and forgiveness to all.


Meeting people where they are and putting their needs ahead of ours, we are striving to be a church that has a ministry to serve and support everyone.  Challenging ourselves we will reach out to all including families and “Lake people”.  We will invite all Christians, seekers and the unchurched through our ministries.


The Missions/Congregational life Team is involved in many community outreach ministries and supports various missions. We arrange for special offerings such as Pentecost Sunday Offering and the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. We also share Christ’s love through programs such as Soles for Souls, which provides shoes to local children.


The team is also responsible for collecting the friendship forms following worship, conducting screen door visits as a follow-up to those who have visited with us to see if they have questions and to give them a loaf of bread, oversee the weekly Chair Exercise class for those with limited mobility, coordinate food pantry pick up and delivery, assist with the community Soup Supper, and conduct fundraising activities to provide funds to support the chosen mission needs.


The Missions/Congregational Life Team has contributed to many programs/activities either financially or through use of personal time and talent during 2016.  Some of the programs/activities are supported every year while others change according to their needs and our ability to support them.  Our church also contributes to our Presbytery, Synod and PCUSA missions.  

During any given year this team makes congributions to varying mission efforts.  Some of the missions we have given to include but are not limited to the following:  White County Food Pantry, David Jacob's Missions Ministry, Soles for Souls, Geneva Center, Council on Aging, White County Salvation Army, and Montreat.  Each year this team considers the needs of many good programs and missions and determines which they can and should support; the support given and programs chosen are based on need and available budget.  The team is always open to committing resources to other agencies as they are made known.

For more information or to volunteer to get involved with this team, please call the church office at 574-583-5787.